Tuesday, June 24, 2008

North American Union: The SPP is a "hostile takeover" of democratic government and an end to the Rule of Law

by Constance Fogal
Connie Fogal says the SPP is the "hostile takeover" of the apparatus of democratic government and an end to the "rule of law". There has been a kind of coup d'état over the government operations of Canada, U.S.A. and Mexico.

The first formal step towards the NAU was NAFTA. Ron Pastor of the Council on Foreign Relations has affirmed that. The Canadian Action Party, a registered federal sovereigntist political party in Canada, began as a party in 1997 precisely because none of the mainstream parties were calling for the clear, outright, unequivocal abrogation of NAFTA, or for control of our national monetary system.

Even now, our mainstream Canadian political parties and significant citizen groups are still stuck on re-negotiation of NAFTA (they talk of fair trade) which completely misses the point. As such, they remain blinded, and of no use to the citizens who care about our nation and our sovereignty, our independence, our civil liberties, our civil rights, our culture, our freedom .

The second formal step was the integration and subjugation of Canada's military into the US military command under NORAD, NORTHCOM, and the Bi-National Planning Agreement. That is why our Canadian military is in Afghanistan.

The third formal step in the creation of the NAU was the implementation of the respective liberty-stripping anti-terrorist legislations, the Patriot Act in the USA and the Anti-terrorist Act in Canada. This has been the mechanism to implement the police state apparatus necessary to enforce Fortress America.

The fourth formal step is the SPP, Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement. That agreement is a "hostile takeover" of the Executive branch of government, a coup d'état over the government operations of Canada, U.S.A. and Mexico.

The three branches of democratic governance are:

1, the legislative arm, i.e., the policy makers, the people we elect;

2, the judicial arm, i.e., judges who interpret and apply the laws created by the policy makers; and

3, the executive arm, i.e., the civil service, the bureaucracy, who implement and run the policy and operations of government.

The SPP is a treasonous metamorphosis of our federal and provincial government bureaucracies into formal instruments to implement the agenda of the shadow government - the military/ industrial/ financial complex exemplified by the Canadian Council of Chief Executives who in turn are dominated by the U.S Council on Foreign Relations, and the US military apparatus. The S.P.P. has created the competitiveness council (10 to 16 people from industry and academe unelected by citizens, unaccountable to citizens, unrepresentative of citizens ) in each of Canada, U.S.A., and Mexico. They meet with our Prime Minister and the two Presidents. They actively direct the restructuring of the civil service apparatus and governance of Canada, U.S., and Mexico away from instruments serving the public interest and nationhood, and into tools to serve the power and greed of the industrial, financial, military complex. This Competitiveness Council will be at Montebello directing the three leaders in August, 2007 finalizing the last steps of the NAU.

Since March, 2005, under the direction of three senior cabinet ministers of each country, about 100 working groups of unelected officials from government and industry have been meeting at taxpayer expense deciding on and directing the implementation of the restructuring of the apparatus of governance and the form of rule over the people. Their command goes out down the chain of bureaucracy expending vast amounts of taxpayer dollars implementing the changes in our border crossings, in our airports, on our airplanes, in our skies, on and to our roads and highways, in our personal identification systems, in our health, in our vaccines, over our food supplements, in our pesticide safety levels, in our schools and universities, in the exploitation of our natural resources-our rivers, lakes, oil, gas, in our environment, in the arms industry, in the manufacture and use of depleted uranium, in the exploitation of and experimentation on our indigenous people and our military personnel, in immigration, over our right of Habeus Corpus, in our right of due process, our right to assemble and our freedom of speech, etc., etc.

Government of the people, by the people, for the people has been eliminated while those people we have elected stand idly in the sidelines apparently blissfully oblivious, or deliberately careless of the termination of their policy making role except as a rubber stamp. Those we have elected have abused their responsibility to protect our power, the people's power. They have permitted an undemocratic elite to control them and the operation of government. It is by us, the general citizenry, that Members of Parliament and Members of Legislative Assemblies and city councillors,and Senators and congressmen are supposed to be ruled in all matters, not by the military/ industrial/ complex that General Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about on his final address to his nation. The Prime Minister and Presidents along with their most senior Cabinet members and officials really now do apply a "Divine Right of Kings" mentality to their role. They have metamorphosed into a cancer rotting the life out of our democracies.

For this reason the Canadian Action Party calls for electoral reform not just in how we elect candidates, but why and how the bureaucracy operates. In particular, we call for a curb on the exercise of power in the executive branch of government, and especially in the P.M.s office. This need is of paramount importance because it is the key to why and how three nations (Canada, USA, Mexico) are being dismantled.

Remember, if you believe in democratic accountable representation, there must be a universal franchise. Government of the people, by the people, for the people still is right. It is not government by officials of any organization or interest group whether public or private who are unelected by, unrepresentative, and unaccountable to the general public. We need to reform our government structure so that we can recall and replace any person we elect when they fail to keep their promise or do their duty to us, the citizenry; and, we also need to turn our executive arm of government back to being the servant of the citizens.

The Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement (S.P.P) is deliberately not a formal international treaty such as NAFTA which is set out in a system of rule by international law. As a legal treaty the SPP would never have flown because it would have been exposed to scrutiny. It remains a work in progress agreement of incredible treacherous magnitude. It has already succeeded in implementing profound changes to three nations integrating the geographical region of North America. We do not even know the full extent of what has been completed or what little is left to be accomplished..

We know that a powerful think tank chaired by former Sen. Sam Nunn and guided by trustees including Richard Armitage, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Harold Brown, William Cohen and Henry Kissinger, is in the final stages of preparing a report to the White House and U.S. Congress on the benefits of integrating the U.S., Mexico and Canada into one political, economic and security bloc.

We know that the final report, published in English, Spanish and French, is scheduled for submission to all three governments by Sept. 30, according to the Center for Strategic & International Studies.

We know that the data collected for the report is based on seven secret roundtable sessions involving between 21 and 45 people and conducted by CSIS. The participants are politicians, business people, labour leaders and academics from all three countries with equal representation.

We know all this because it is described in a CSIS report, "North American Future 2025 Project."

It will be interesting to see who the think tank representatives will be that appear before our Canadian Parliament and how it is presented since so many of our Canadian MP's deny this integration is happening. They need to realize that the vote still works in Canada and if they want to be re-elected, they must repel the submissions for integration. In fact, their duty to us is to refuse to hear such a delegation. SInce when has it become lawful to entertain discussion or debate on any form of treason??

This kind of presentation by such influential players will likely be a formalization of the integration as a done deal.

We, the citizens, must demonstrate to our governments that we demand an end to the integration of North America . And, we must tell them we are not asking for a front row seat at our hanging party. We do not want to be involved or to have them involved in any negotiations or discussions or debate about how our nations are to die. We already know we do not want a North American Union, period!!! They must repel the formal instructions coming to them this fall from the shadow government.

In recognition of our sovereign democratic rights and powers as citizens promulgated by the respective founding fathers of three nations, the Canadian Action Party calls upon all Canadians to join with our neighbours in the USA and Mexico to stand and defend our distinctive nations, NOT TO CALL FOR DEBATE AND DISCUSSION ON INTEGRATION. We must DEMAND SOVEREIGNTY AND INDEPENDENCE We must make a sound and sight so that uninformed citizens can be alerted. How can we do this?

Right now, focus on being at the 25 km perimeter around Montebello, Quebec on August 20 and 21, 2007. In a separate e mail I will send suggestions about Montebello actions

Connie Fogal Leader is leader of the Canadian Action Party (CAP/PAC)

Global Research Articles by Constance Fogal

Fall of the Republic

Mainstream Media

"Others explore even remoter possibilities such as
focusing the sun's rays through lenses
suspended thousands of kilometres away in space, or
producing artificial earthquakes and tidal waves
by tapping the heat at the earth's centre."
~ Orwell in "1984"

Increasingly the powers-that-be are using weather as a weapon to create chaos out of which they hope to establish their New World Order.

In 1984 Orwell said that one of the goals of Big Brother was "to conquer the whole surface of the earth" and one of the ways it was going to do this was by "killing several hundred million people in a few seconds without giving any notice".

Unusual weather all over the world (blamed on God, ie Mother Nature) is causing devastation through drought, flood, destruction of infrastructure etc. Crops and animals are being destroyed with the resultant economic devastation to nations and the loss of valuable food for the people of the world.

Control of the food supply is a major component of BIG BROTHER getting to power and staying there.

"He who controls the food, controls the world" is a United Nations tenet.

Actually, evidence is accumumulating that the long-range goal of the emerging One World Government (Big Brother) is to control not only our food, but the water we drink and the air we breathe.

This section of Orwell Today includes stories on weather, food, water, air control etc. ~ Jackie Jura

14.Scientific Experimentation and 5.Pyramidal New World Order and 2.Big Brother


Fill 'er up ... with biodiesel. Enroute, April 2008 Issue


Global-warming Gore the planet PR agent (says skeptics are flat-earthers who think moon landing never really happened). CBS, Mar 28, 2008







Trafficking in food (stranglehold on what we eat) & Privatisation of seeds moving apace (Rockefeller-Gates-Monsanto monopolize) & Scientists launch stress-tolerant rice (Gates targets Africa resource-poor). AllAfr/Nigeria/Can, Mar 10, 2008

Africa NGOs call moratorium on biofuels (car tank ethanol uses same amount grain that can feed a child for a year). NewNationBangladesh, Feb 25, 2008. Go to AFRICA AGRO-FUELED FAMINE

Water next Big Business commodity (privatization of Canada's water). Go to THE WATER BARONS & KYOTO'S WATER WIZARDS & DEAD IN THE WATER. Financial Post, Feb 25, 2008 & Afghan $100-million bottled water market ("unexpected opportunities of war") & AFGHAN WAR WATER-PROFITEERS

High wheat price threatens UK pig farms (supermarkets importing cheap pork) & Canada wheat shortage hits bakeries (flour doubled; may stop making bread) & USA recalls 143-million pounds of beef (no illnesses or health threat) & "Peak Oil" into "Peak Food" is famine (fuel & food demand from China & India) Corn is becoming the new crude (being diverted from human consumption) & Bread: The Staff of Life (Can you imagine a life without bread?) & Huge cereal price rise hits poor countries (demand from China, floods, droughts...) & Grain prices gobble food supply globally (disasters & biofuels gobble grain). BBC/USAToday/Wired, Feb 13, 2008




China controlling weather for Olympics (stop rain for opening ceremonies; start rain to clear pollution). CanadianPress, Mar 4, 2008

Disrupt economy with man-made weather (China-Russia-USA military manipulate floods-droughts on enemy states). Wired, Feb 13, 2008. Go to USSR USING WEAPONZED WEATHER

Extreme snow & cold cover Afghanistan (millions of people & livestock suffering) & Weather & war overwhelm Afghans (NGOs won't help until they assess). BBC/WashPost, Feb 13, 2008. Go to AFGHAN NARCO-STATE NOW

USA ravaged by 87 tornadoes (twisters unprecedented in winter). CBS, Feb 7, 2008

Forget oil: crisis is food (more crippling than world's seen) & Biofuelling world's hunger (switch from food to fuel crops) & Haitians eat dirt as flour (elite grow food for fuel). FinancePost/HinuBus/Yahoo, Jan 31, 2008

USA okays animal clones as food (companies force on consumers). BBC, Jan 31, 2008

Rain & flood chaos in 14 African countries (Sudan-Ethiopia-Uganda-Rwanda...bringing death, disease, destruction) & Fresh earthquakes rock Indonesia (Tsunami warnings repeatedly issued). BBC, Sep 15, 2007

Monkey misery for Kenyan villagers (300 monkeys invading farms but protected by Wildlife Service). BBC, Aug 24, 2007. Go to PLANET OF THE APES (humans are considered feral vermin) & ENVIRONMENTALISM IS ANIMALISM

Foot-and-mouth in vaccine not animals (111,000 UK farms affected; 10m cows, 23m sheep, 5m pigs) & Health institute may be F&M cause (made 100 million vials of vaccine of same strain found in cows) & Pre-pandemic flu vaccine push (to get before post-pandemic shot). BBC/PharmaTimes, Aug 6, 2007 & JAMES BOND FOOT & MOUTH & MAD COW TERROR & MAN-MADE FLU WEAPON & BIO-CHEM WARFARE

Flood Movie

Thames bursts & floods Parliament (new movie based on book 'Flood'). This Is London, Jul 29, 2007. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & MOVIES & Don't expect sudden UK heatwave (rain isn't global warming; it's a jetstream over UK instead of Iceland) & HEAD SCRATCHING RAIN REASON ('It may be just one of those things') & More rain & higher bills coming ('pay upstream to prevent or downstream to mop up but you've got to pay'). TIL/BBC/Guardian/CNN Jul 28, 2007. Go to WORLDWIDE WATER WOE (paying for every drop) & Bottled water is tap water ($-billions corporate swindle) & WATER BARONS

UK floods damage feed & food crops (vegetable crops 60% destroyed) & UK flood won't hit wider economy (good for home repair business). ReedBus/FXNews Jul 26, 2007. Go to FARMS FEELING FOOD FIGHT & DUCKSPEAKING FOOD FIGURERS & 9.Masses & 15.Miniplenty & 27.Goodthink & 15.Oceania

THE RAIN IN PLAIN UK (reader says UK building on bogs) & UK flooding worst in history (rivers 20-ft higher than normal) & EU heatwave sizzling forests & farms (Austria-Greece-Italy-Hungary-
Romania-Croatia-Slovakia-Bulgaria) & China pollution hitting America (causing weather chaos). WSJ/Express/WashP, Jul 23, 2007. Go to USSR USES WEAPONIZED WEATHER

China pollution hitting America (causing weather chaos). WallStreetJournal, Jul 23, 2007

UN warns it can't feed people (using food for fuel instead) & Corn price rise affects ice cream (cost of animal & human feed soars; a gallon of milk in USA up 55%; costs same as a gallon of petrol). Times, Jul 16, 2007. Go to 9.Masses Down & 15.Life in Oceania & FOOD AS FUEL STARVES HUNGRY & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD

Coconut oil powers island's cars (instead of island's people) & Biofuels could starve the poor (corn-based ethanol all the rage; cassava-based a grave threat). BBC/ForeignAffairs, May 8, 2007. Go to 15.Life in Oceania & 9.Masses Down & WORLD FOOD BANK & FOOD AS FUEL STARVES HUNGRY

Sun Mirrors
Power station harnesses Sun's rays ("Dr Evil unleashing tractor beam"; plan to spread similar systems across Mediterranean & Sahara). BBC, May 3, 2007

Mad cow case confirmed in Canada (import bans on Canadian cattle in place since 2003 outbreak). BBC/CBC May 3, 2007. Go to MAD COW TERROR

Chinese make first artificial snowfall.Telegraph, Apr 19, 2007
China is the world's largest practitioner of rain-seeding, a controversial procedure that involves releasing silver iodide as a catalyst into clouds either by aircraft or by firing cannon shells into them. It employs 37,000 people on the programme, which it uses to trigger rainfall principally to maximise water supply in the drought-prone north of the country, although in Beijing it is often said to be part of attempts to ensure a blue sky for major events.


Tsunami hits South Pacific Solomons (caused by magnitude 8.1 earthquake) & Gizo at center of tsunami fears (tens of thousands affected). ABC/BBC, Apr 2, 2007

China most polluted on planet (wheat kernels dark-sooty-hollow-twisted) & "Humans are to blame" says UN ("nail in coffin of climate change deniers"; "Americans worst polluters on planet") & UN weather report is a "Corruption of Science" ("a political document...a hoax") & UN mandates that the science be altered ("not approved by scientists but by political delegates of the UN") & China exempt from cutting greenhouse gases (in spite of world-leading coal use) & Dark cloud of pollution over Hong Kong (from smokestacks of China mainland) & Stinky, oily, orange snow in Russia (nuclear-industrial-radioactive pollution). Time/Telegraph/Guardian Feb 3, 2007


Canada dumping earth's cleanest water (enough for 250,000 people a day to be contaminated by garbage landfill). GlobeMail, Dec 17, 2006. Go to GARBAGING WORLD'S PURIST WATER

India withdraws Coca-Cola/Pepsi ban (USA threatened investment fallout). Bussiness Standard, Dec 17, 2006. Go to SAVE WATER, BOYCOTT COKE

Indonesia 6.2 earthquake kills thousands (thousands seriously injured; thousands trapped under buildings; hundreds of thousands fleeing). BBC, May 27, 2006


Overview: Earthquake aftermath (Pakistan-Kashmir-India-Afghanistan). BBC, Oct 11, 2005. Go to ORWELL OUTS THE SCHEMERS




Orleans Coast


Expert says breach was surprising (occurred at section just upgraded; concrete wall several feet thick"). CTV News, Sep 4, 2005

"New Orleans is Sinking" (1989 song by Tragically Hip) & Radio pulls "New Orleans is Sinking" (aired 3 times a week lately). ChartAttack, Sep 3, 2005 & Katrina's impact felt far & wide (eradicated 25% USA energy production, 20 major oilrigs & platforms, 500 distribution depots & refineries). Canadaeast.com, Sep 3, 2005

New Orleans tales of horror ("a scene from hell") & Questions grow over rescue chaos ("dead bodies next to us for days"). BBC, Sep 2, 2005. Go to ORDER FROM CHAOS & LBJ ON WEATHER CONTROL ("From outer space comes the power...to divert the Gulf Stream")

Rain pits town against farmers (damming water over farmers fields). Canada Press, Jun 11, 2005 & Australia drought a food crisis (no rain for planting crops). Financial Times, Jun 11, 2005 & Spain drought killing crops (asking EU for wheat handouts). Times, Jun 11, 2005. Go to FOOD COMES FROM FARMERS

Earthquake creates chaos in Nias (no electricity, shelter or water; people trapped in rubble but right equipment can't reach island). BBC, Mar 30, 2005. Go to ORDER OUT OF CHAOS

1,000 more dead in Nias quake (fearful of another tsunami caused by earthquake like Boxing Day which left 300,000 people dead or missing). Guardian, Mar 29, 2005

Tsunami victims losing land to developers (disaster a chance to clear people from land earmarked for "big project"). Telegraph, Mar 25, 2005

Potatoes plowed under by billion (to lift price due to surplus caused by people eating less). CanWest News, Jan 31, 2005. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & POTATOES PLOUGHED UNDER

Freak weather batters Europe & America (hurricane winds-heavy rains-snow storms strand trains-shut highways-close airports-cause flooding & deadly avalanches). News.com.au, Jan 11, 2005 & Ice bergs in New Zealand (record strength winds were created blowing cold & icebergs northerly). Stuff.co.nz, Jan 10, 2005

Extreme 2004 weather in South Asia (quakes-floods-worst typhoons in decades). New Kerala, Jan 6, 2005

UN denies a nuke triggered Tsunami (says USA/India/Israel didn't cause tidal wave with nuke test). New Kerala, Jan 6, 2005

Tsunamis leave 2-million without food (UN food agency urgently appeals for 26 million dollars). Khaleej Times, Jan 11, 2005

Hundreds flee flooding in northeast USA & Baseball-size hail & tornadoes in Alberta & Winter weather in Argentina, Chile, Peru & Europe plagued by snow & heatwaves & Millions battle South Asia floods (Nepal, India, Bangladesh). BBC, Jul 12, 2004 & Gales, storms - is it really July? (plunged swaths of UK into chaos). Guardian, Jul 8, 2004

Baseball size hail pounds Texas (smashes hospital windows-homes-cars). CNN, Jun 24, 2004

ENGINEERED FAMINE IN ZIMBABWE (never food shortages in 120-years & plight not reaching media). Telegraph, Apr 18, 2004. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & 16.Minitrue & SOVIET UNION FAMINE EXPOSURE

DEAD IN THE WATER (documentary on water privatization; gov't selling people down river). CBC, Apr 4, 2004. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down

Locusts swarm across Australia (after heavy rainfalls ended drought). BBC, Mar 16, 2004. Go to THE TEN PLAGUES

GIs to go 5 days without food (using cocktail of 'neutraceuticals' to squeeze last ounce of strength). Wired, Feb 17, 2004. Go to TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD

Trial judge once Monsanto's lawyer (& also previously ruled in their favour for $3-million against Tennesee farmer). Guardian, Jan 10, 2004. Go to MONSANTO PRICE FIXING WITH AGRI-GIANTS (seeds of world being given to handful of corporations who are going to own all food production). Guardian, Jan 7, 2004. Go to 15.Life in Oceania & WORLD FOOD BANK & ANTI-NATURE IS ANTI-GOD

Cattlemen say Mad Cow is no risk (hope common sense kicks in soon). Daily World, Dec 31, 2003. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & MAD COW TERROR

Freak storm hits Australian city (that previously suffered drought). BBC, Dec 3, 2003 & France braced for floods of century. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation

UK's depleted rivers at water level crisis (new Water Act allows people & companies to sell their unused share). Independent, Nov 30, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & WATER BARONS & KYOTO'S WATER WIZARDS

World getting hungrier every year (droughts, disasters & export/import making banana republics of all). Independent, Nov 26, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & 5.Pyramidal New World Order

Disease outbreak threatens UK potato crop (ring-rot would be a catastophe). Telegraph, 11-13, 2003. Go to 14. Scientific Experimentation & 15.Life In Oceania

Ferocious storm hits California ("It was unbelievable" says meteorologist & "freaky" says top fireman). Fox News, 11-13, 2003 & Winds in Midwest knock out power. Yahoo! 11-13, 2003. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & WITCHY WEATHER

African locust plague planned (could damage 1/10th world population). BBC, Oct 22, 2003

UK farmers fear harvest catastrophe (farmland a dustbowl for man & animal). Telegraph, Oct 21, 2003. Go to FOOD CONTROL & 9.Keeping Masses Down

China's 3-Valley-Gorge dam (result environmental catastrophe & water will be poison). Independent, May 31, 2003

Iraq's water system destroyed (& Iraqis not allowed to fix). Guradian, May 31, 2003. Go to KYOTO'S WATER WIZARDS

GM crops mean world hunger (4 multi-nationals control food; Monsanto-Syngenta-Bayer-Dupont). Independent, May 28, 2003. Go to 42.Party Tells 'Why' & ANTI-NATURE IS ANTI-GOD

THE WATER BARONS (elites own worlds' water). CanadaFreePress, May 26, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & WHO IS MAURICE STRONG? & ENVIRONMENTALISM IS ANIMALISM

Agroterrorism poses devastating threat (insects-viruses-bacteria-fungi aimed at wiping out crops). Pittsburgh, May 23, 2003


Worst tornadoes in USA history (300 twisters in 7 days & golf-ball sized hail). CNN, May 11, 2003

Meal-in-bottle hits shelves (drinks by Snapple-Coke-Pepsi to replace solid food). National Post, Feb 17, 2003. Go to 15.Life in Oceania & 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY

Australia faces new blaze threat (caused by extreme drought). BBC, Jan 24, 2003

Wind chills at minus 60 (and the worst is not over). WorldNetDaily, Jan 22, 2003

Water being privatized world-wide (gov'ts selling the river). National Post, Jan 9, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down

ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE (1969 movie describes mind-control and Foot & Mouth epidemic)

Weather wreaking havoc in Europe (hurricanes, torrential rain, extreme cold). MSNBC, Jan 3, 2003

A year without seasons (weather "strange, crazy, mysterious, wacky"). National Post, Dec 27, 2002

The Kyoto-speak brainwashers (underlying science non-existent). Globe & Mail, Dec 8, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & ENVIRONMENTALISM IS ANIMALISM

72 tornadoes in 12 states Reuters, Nov 11, 2002 & 100 wildfires in eastern Australia London Independent, Nov 11, 2002

Feedlot owner terrorizes mayor (caught redhanded -still goes free). National Post, Sep 26, 2002. Go to FEEDLOTS INSTEAD OF FARMS

Britain rocked by quakes (shook up 200 mile swath). UK Mirror, Sep 24, 2002


Clouds taller than Mt Everest (streets under 3-feet of rain). Calcutta Telegraph, Sep 20, 2002

Consumers blamed for climate change (must cut energy use by 30%). National Post, Sep 18, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down

Floods risk UK homes, businesses, farms (cars blamed - will be banned). UK Independent, Sep 1, 2002

WORLD FOOD BANK, excerpt from "...and the truth shall set you free" by David Icke

"Canadian farmers are peasants" (Wheat Board is a secret monopoly). National Post, Sep 9, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down

"Accept GM food or starve" (says United Nations to Africa). Toronto Star, Aug 24, 2002

"Sending hay makes no economic sense" (tell that to a starving cow). Edmonton Journal, Aug 21, 2002. Go to FEEDLOTS INSTEAD OF FARMS

50% of USA suffering drought (destroying corn, soybean, cotton, wheat). MSNBC, Aug 14, 2002

Floods swamp Europe (hundreds of thousands evacuated). Yahoo! News, Aug 13, 2002

Drought-ravaged Western farmers hit by freak frost (13 record lows in province). National Post, Aug 3, 2002

Starving Zimbabwe rejects USA corn (GM contamination will destroy them). Washington Post, Jul 31, 2002. Go to 15.Life in Oceania

Big helping of hay to go west (with no help from government). Ottawa Citizen, July 25, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and YOU CAN'T EAT MONEY

Massive drought chokes USA (crops, cattle & farmers disappearing). CNN.com, Jul 23, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down

Floods drown main streets (polluting rivers in Ontario & Prairies). Globe & Mail, Jun 12, 2002

~ HAARP - HIGH FREQUENCY ACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH PROGRAM (principles of weather manipulation explained)

Low-freguency hum haunts USA town (and elsewhere around the world). Newsday.com, May 21, 2002

Weather extremes push spring aside (record low temps across 23 states). Yahoo!News, USA Today, May 20, 2002

Drought destroying crops/livelihoods in USA (farmers & ranchers harvesting dirt). ABC News, May 18, 2002

India swelters in 124-degree heat (birds and people dropping dead). Los Angeles Times, May 17, 2002

Grasshoppers plot Prairies return (drought, heat and wind allow number of eggs to approach all-time high; crop damage could approach $100-million). Edmonton Journal, May 15, 2002

Deadly tornadoes hit eastern USA (ranked F5 - almost inconceivable). MSNBC, Apr 29, 2002

Deadly drought grips Central America (Hurricane Mitch killed 9,000 in 1998). Austin Statesman, Apr 26, 2002

Heat wave! Records melt under unseasonably high temperatures across Ontario. Canada Press. Apr 17, 2002

USA east coast 'most severe drought ever' (could become national disaster this summer). National Post, Apr 9, 2002

Third harvest of despair looms in Canada's Prairies (1,800 empty rail cars stretch for miles). National Post, Apr 6, 2002

Record warmth this winter to hurt Prairie farmers. National Post, Mar 8, 2002

Kabul damaged in powerful quake (7.2 magnitude - shook 5 countries). Washington Post, Mar 4, 2002

'Canada Dry' drought just won't let go (all sectors of economy will be hit). National Post, Feb 25, 2002

What crazy weather! (countries trying to cope with climatic catastrophe). Straits Times Asia, Dec 29, 2001

Three storms unite to thrash East Coast ('weather bomb' packing winds reaching 120km/hr). National Post, Nov 8, 2001

Drought cuts PEI potato harvest 30%,empties warehouses. National Post, Nov 6, 2001

High-frequency research blamed for buzzing-sound plaguing Germany. National Post, Aug 23, 2001

Drought, from coast to coast. Globe and Mail. Aug 14, 2001

Aphids devastate Ontario soybean crops. Toronto Star, Aug 3, 2001